I know I have been remiss in posting, but I've been busy writing and revising. I've also been going through a stack of National Enquirers (thanks to Mother!). There's not space enough to tell you everything, so I'll limit it to only the big news.
Friends are trying to fix Joanna Woodward up with Maurice Tempelsman (Jackie Onassis' former companion). At first, Joanne was hesitant. And I can't say I blame her. After all, she was married to one of Hollywood's most handsome and talented actors for fifty years. Paul Newman would be a hard act to follow.
"Me? Go out on a date at my age?" Joanne said, "I'm seventy-nine years old!"
After a while, friends were able to wear down her resistance, so she's now thinking seriously about going out with the former diamond merchant.
They live within blocks of each other, on Manhattan's Upper East Side, so it would be convenient. Perhaps they could walk their dogs together in Central Park, or breakfast each morning at her apartment or his. He would also come in handy in helping manage her money. Maurice parlayed Jackie's $100 million into $200 million, so maybe he would be willing to do the same for Joanne. I understand Paul left her millions. 

Rumor has it Barbara Walters is retiring after fifty years in the business. She is telling close pals she's hanging up her microphone when her contract expires.
"I've been at this for fifty years," Barbara said, "I don't want to be eighty and working the phones to land an interview with one of the nobodies who pass for celebrities today."
I hear you, Barbara!
Mary Tyler Moore has written another book Growing Up Again, in which she shares m
any memories of her TV career and her long battle with diabetes.
Mary Tyler Moore has written another book Growing Up Again, in which she shares m

She also writes about the time she saw way too much of her sitcom co-star, Ed Asner (who played her boss, Lou Grant, on her show). She opened the door of what she thought was her dressing room to find Ed stepping out of the shower, no towel i
n sight. She was so startled that she knocked over a lamp backing out of the room.

"I feel obligated to say his enormous talent is not limited to just the screen," she writes.
I think Ed has read Mary's book. He looks rather proud, don't you think?
My grandmother used to read the Enquirer religiously; she was otherwise a fairly selective reader! (smile)
Of course, how can you resist looking at the provocative headlines in line at the grocery store? Every now and then I see one that makes me itch to buy it, read the scoop on a celeb -- if you can call today's crop the read deal.
I have always been amazed that Paul and Joanna Newman had such a long, happy marriage by anyone's standard. But both being stars? Extraordinary!
"I hear you, Barbara!"
ha! And double "ha" on the Mr. Grant photo. Thanks for keeping us updated on these important matters.
I needed to get updated on the latest Enquirer news (LOL) and you do it in such a stupendous way! Glad your are writing, means your creative juices are flowing.
Nice updates Brenda! I usually catch up on the Enquirer when I'm having my roots covered at the hairdresser..lol.
My advice to Joanne is to stay free --- no one can ever replace Paul!
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