I have always felt a deep connection to my favorite writers, particularly William Faulkner, Flannery O'Connor, Eudora Welty, Tennessee Williams and a few others. I didn't choose their works because they are Southerners; I have just always been drawn to them. And not too long ago, I asked myself why.
Is it because we share a powerful sense of land, of place? A deep attachment to home and family; love and appreciation for those stories and legends handed down from generation to generation? Those powerful hellfire-and-damnation sermons to which most of us were subjected as we grew up? The secrets that simmer just beneath the surface in every family, every town? Eccentric characters who are too weird not to write about? Were the literary giants like me...unable to leave the past behind, driven to write about it?
When a subject takes hold of me, it sinks its teeth in and won't let go. So I was soon jotting down my thoughts, revelations. And before I knew it, I had an essay. I had planned to post it on this blog, but since I was excited about what I had discovered, I gave it to Suzanne to read.
Mom, this is more than a blog post," she said, "It should be published!"
I sent it to Jim Reed, editor of the Birmingham Arts Journal, and I heard from him on Monday. "The Southern Way" will be published in a future issue of the journal, both in print and online.
Have a great Wednesday, y'all!
Congratulations! I absolutely love your writing.
That's fantastic -- congrats!
I knew it!
Congratulations! I'll look forward to reading your essay in print!
What great news, I can't wait to read it either.
Congratulations! I am looking forward to reading it. Do you know when it will be published?
Congratulations Brenda! I hope there will be a online version so I can read it.
Belated congrats! Happy smiles!
Congrats! You deserve it.
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